
Crystal maze game board game
Crystal maze game board game

A Three-Minute game where the player must use pole to get to a couple of platforms, and then use another pole to sling eggs to the third platform, so that the player can get them and place them on nests to use them as stepping stones to get the crystal.A Three-Minute game where the player must attach floating platforms to make a bridge, and then must manually, turn a water wheel to gather water to a jar through a water spout, but mustn't gather too much or the crystal would fall in the water.A Two-and-a-Half-Minute game where the player arranges cubes forming a bridge, to get the crystal.once the idol has enough liquid, the player can acquire the crystal A Three-Minute game where the player gets a bucket of red liquid and tries to walk a few rotating logs while holding a rope, to pour the liquid into an idol's mouth.A Two-and-a-Half-Minute game where the player attaches metal poles of different heights to pieces of wood planks forming mine cart tracks and then the player must move the box to the entrance to unlock the box and back again, where They get another key to unlock the inside box containing the crystal.and after getting the crystal, the player uses the harness and attaches it to a rope on a zipline leading to the entrance. but as the player advances, the steps behind the player start to go in the wall. A Three-Minute game where the player uses a harness to get to the steps on the wall without touching the floor.A Three-Minute game where the player while on a raft, must get concrete steps from two sides of the wall and attach them to a wall on the other side of the room, to get to the crystal.if the player falls in the water, He or She is locked in. A Two-and-a-Half-Minute game where the player must use a rope to swing to one hanging plank to another until reaching the end of the room.A Two-and-a-Half Minute game where the player assembles a lever to make a pendulum move back and forth to cut a rope, allowing the player to get the crystal.A Three-Minute game where the player must tie a rope to a stake to keep a passage open and go inside a room to drag a chest to the first room, then release the rope to get the key down to unlock the chest containing the crystal.and if the player touches the ground, the player is automatically locked inside. A Two-Minute game where the player traverse a few obstacles, so long as the player must NOT touch the ground and after getting the crystal, the player must escape without touching the ground.A Three-Minute game where the player brings coins from a box to inside a idol's mouth by crossing a rickety bridge.if one paintball hits the light, representing a bulls-eye, the player can acquire the crystal. A Two-Minute game where the player will ride on a mechanical bull with a paintball gun, shooting at the target.A Two-Minute game where the player will use a shovel to dig sand inside a nearby chest as counterweight so He/She can get the crystal on the other side.but if the cage hits the water, the crystal is lost, but must exit. and after reaching the end, the player must use a stick to get a cage containing the crystal and exit. A Two-Minute game where the player must walk through a rolling log, over water.A Three-Minute game where the player climbs ropes and ladders to get the crystal and exit with it before time's up.

Crystal maze game board game